Special Report
The African American Community in Snohomish County: A Health Justice Report (pdf download) is a comprehensive study that details health disparities among the African American community due to racist discrimination in wide variety of societal failings such as housing segregation, social isolation, distrust of institutions like hospitals, schools, and law enforcement.
Dental Access Survey
Have you or members of your family had trouble finding a dentist to help you stay healthy? The Washington Dental Access Campaign wants to hear about it. In many communities across Washington, dental care is out of reach. Without it, you can lose your teeth, your health—and even your life. The Washington Dental Access Campaign is working to authorize dental therapists to address Washington’s dental access shortage. Speak up about your efforts to find timely, affordable dental care. Direct link to survey: http://bit.ly/WADental
AARP Health Law Guide - This guide will help you find resources tailored to your needs, whether it's about Medicare, health insurance coverage for you or your family, or public programs that may work for you. En español
The Governor's Interagency Council on Health Disparities was established by the Legislature in 2006 when it passed, and the Governor signed a bill to create it.
The Council creates an action plan for eliminating health disparities by race, ethnicity, and gender in Washington.
The Council convenes advisory committees to assist in the planning and development of specific issues in collaboration with several state agencies and non-government stakeholders.
The Council has developed many recommendations to support language assistance.
​North Sound Accountable Community of Health
The North Sound region, home to more than one million people, includes Island, San Juan, Snohomish, Skagit, and Whatcom counties, and 8 Tribal nations. North Sound ACH is an independent nonprofit created to convene and facilitate cross sector opportunities in this five-county region. We share the belief that health is determined by more than access to medical care. Together we are working to ensure better health for the people who live in our region. The North Sound ACH is a partner to the state’s Healthier Washington Initiative, and is working to advance health improvement by implementing strategies for the Medicaid Transformation Project together with partner organizations across our region.
County Health Rankings and Roadmaps
The annual Rankings provide a revealing snapshot of how health is influenced by where we live, learn, work and play. They provide a starting point for change in communities. https://www.countyhealthrankings.org/
Washington State Single Payer Healthcare
Washington State Health Care sites
Office of the Insurance Commissioner, Washington State
Health Care Authority - information about publicly funded medical programs offered through the Department of Social and Health Services.