Completing the Census | 2020 Census Recordings
Complete your census online: my2020census.gov
Frequently Asked Questions | Links to More Information | Information Sheets
Get Involved
We are looking for 2020 census advocates from diverse backgrounds and communities. Help us inform historically underserved communities about the 2020 census in exchange for a stipend. Community outreach experience desired but not required. Contact us for more information.
Frequently Asked Questions
What does the census do?
The census creates a pool of data that allows the government to determine how much money to provide to local communities based on how many people live there. It defines how much funding goes to public services such as schools and transportation, how voting lines are drawn, how businesses choose where to operate, and much more.
Why is the census important?
Without getting an accurate count of who lives where, there is a potential loss of funds that are vital to creating healthy local communities. When everyone is accounted for, it allows more money to go into our communities for bigger schools, better roads, better representation in government offices.
I don’t trust how my information will be used. Why should I fill out the census?
We recognize and want to validate your feelings. We are aware of the history of abuses done by those in power; however, getting funds for our community cannot happen without getting an exact population count. If you are still concerned, please feel free to reach out to us so we can have a personal conversation. Ultimately we want our local communities to receive as much money as possible so we can better provide services for marginalized people.
Is my information secure?
Yes. As described on the Census site, "The U.S. Census Bureau is bound by law to protect your answers and keep them strictly confidential." It also says, "The answers you provide are used only to produce statistics. You are kept anonymous: The Census Bureau is not permitted to publicly release your responses in any way that could identify you or anyone else in your home."
I don’t feel comfortable filling out the census on my own. Who can I contact for help?
Please contact us at C3, and we will provide help to you. Please let us know if you need any accommodations such as a translator. Here are toll-free numbers you may call if you need additional help:
Will the census be available in other languages?
Yes, it is available in 13 languages. The Census website also provides content in 59 non-English languages. Click here to go to the language support page.
What should I expect while filling out the census online?
Here's a handy PDF that explains this information in a step-by-step guide: The Internet Self-Response Portal: What to Expect. We have also created a page on how to respond, which you can find by clicking here.

Links to More Information
Washington State Office of Financial Management: 2020 Census: Everyone Counts
#DisabilityCounts2020: Resources for disabled folx with content in English, Español, and ASL.
The League of Women Voters of Snohomish County produces a KSER 90.7 radio program called "Magazine on the Air". It airs on the second Monday of the month at 6pm. Yesterday's program examined the census: What is it? Why does it matter? How will it impact you? What do you need to know to participate in the count? Our very own Ben Young was interviewed for the program. You can listen to his segment, as well as interviews with Alison McCaffree, Executive Director of Politics of the Possible in Action and League of Women Voters Redistricting Chair, and Garth Fell, Snohomish County Auditor, by clicking here.