About us
In the summer of 2000 leaders from various communities of color began meeting to establish a communications network. The coalition initially worked to identify issues most relevant to communities of color in Snohomish County. Census 2000 highlighted the need for a comprehensive program to address the impact of the changing population in the county.
In 2004 incidents of bias and other issues affecting under-represented groups began to get more media attention underscoring the need for C3. Interest in C3 and attendance at meetings has grown steadily. C3 was granted Federal exempt tax status as a 501(c)(3) public non-profit effective December 2005.

We believe all people of color can embrace who they are,
can define their future, and can change the world.
Our Mission Statement
The Communities of Color Coalition (C3) mission is educating and advocating for social justice and human rights, especially for people of color and other under-represented groups that have been systemically oppressed. We do this through a transformational process that centers and supports those who are closest to the problem in developing and implementing the solutions necessary for systemic change.

Our Vision
“An Inclusive community free of racism and intolerance”